Starts from $250,000 Doctors salaries in us per year

Doctors salaries in us per year

Doctors play a pivotal role in the healthcare system, dedicating their lives to providing medical care and improving the well-being of patients across the United States. Alongside their commitment to healing, doctors also command some of the highest salaries in the country.

Understanding the intricacies of doctors’ salaries is essential for aspiring medical professionals and sheds light on the broader healthcare landscape.

In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of Doctors salaries in the US, exploring the factors that influence compensation, trends over time, existing disparities, and the future outlook for medical professionals.

Join us as we uncover the financial realities of those who dedicate their lives to the noble profession of medicine.

Doctors salaries in us per year

Doctor salaries in the US can vary significantly depending on several factors, including:

Experience: More experienced doctors typically earn higher salaries than those just starting out.

Specialty: Certain specialties, like Orthopedics and Neurosurgery, tend to have higher average salaries than others, like Pediatrics or Family Medicine.

Location: Doctors in certain regions, like California and New York, often earn more than those in other areas.

Employment type: Self-employed doctors can earn more than those working in salaried positions but also have higher overhead costs and business responsibilities.

Here are some resources with different perspectives on doctor salaries in the US:

  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): Reports a median annual wage of $229,300 for physicians and surgeons in 2022 (latest available data). This is just a median, so half of all doctors earn more and half earn less.
  • Medscape Physician Compensation Report 2023: Provides detailed salary information by specialty, experience level, and location. It shows an average salary of $289,000 for all physicians surveyed.
  • Forbes Advisor: Cites an average salary of $165,347 annually but acknowledges that the range can be quite wide.

Doctors salaries in us per month

Converting the yearly salary to a monthly figure depends on various factors:

  • Pay structure: Some doctors have a fixed monthly salary, while others are paid hourly or per procedure.
  • Benefits: Depending on the employer, benefits might be included in the annual salary or paid separately.
  • Taxes and deductions: These vary depending on individual circumstances.

Here’s what we can offer based on different perspectives:

Average monthly salary:

  • BLS: Based on their median annual wage of $229,300, assuming a 12-month pay period, the average monthly salary would be $19,108.
  • Medscape: An average annual salary of $289,000 translates to $24,083 per month.
  • ZipRecruiter: Their data shows an average of $22,746 monthly for Medical Doctors.

doctor salary in u.s. per hour



Doctor: $63.70 (average), $55.29 (25th percentile), $72.12 (75th percentile)

Medical Doctor

Medical Doctor
Medical Doctor

$131.23 (average), $103.37 (25th percentile), $168.27 (75th percentile)


Entry-level doctor: $54 (average), $50 (low), $60 (high)


Medical doctor: $92.53 (average), $46.36 (entry-level), $112.97 (experienced)

average doctor salary by specialty

SpecialtyAverage Annual Salary (USD)
Surgeons$400,000 – $600,000
Anesthesiologists$300,000 – $400,000
Orthopedic Surgeons$400,000 – $600,000
Cardiologists$300,000 – $500,000
Neurosurgeons$500,000 – $700,000
Dermatologists$300,000 – $400,000
Radiologists$350,000 – $500,000
Psychiatrists$200,000 – $300,000
Pediatricians$200,000 – $250,000
Family Medicine Physicians$200,000 – $250,000
Emergency Medicine Physicians$250,000 – $350,000
Ophthalmologists$300,000 – $400,000
Gastroenterologists$350,000 – $500,000
Oncologists$300,000 – $400,000
Obstetricians/Gynecologists$250,000 – $350,000

average doctor salary us vs uk

CountryAverage Annual Salary (USD)Average Annual Salary (GBP)
US$200,000 – $400,000£80,000 – £150,000
UK£50,000 – £150,000$150,000 – $300,000

Factors Influencing U.S. Doctor Salaries

The Medscape Physician Compensation Report highlights a consistent upward trend in the average salary of U.S. doctors. However, significant disparities exist, with variances of up to $81,000 (approximately INR 6 million) between high and low earners. Various factors contribute to this discrepancy, including geographical location, gender, and specialization.

Exploring U.S. Doctor Salaries

Glassdoor reports that the average annual salary for medical doctors in the U.S. stands at $165,347 (around INR 13 million). This figure encompasses base salaries and additional benefits such as housing and transportation allowances. The highest average wage reaches $208,000 (approximately INR 17 million), while the lowest is $126,470 (around INR 10 million).

Specializations and Salary Breakdown

Certain medical specializations command significantly higher salaries and greater satisfaction indices. Here’s a breakdown of the top 10 specializations and their respective annual average salaries:

  1. Plastic Surgery: $576,000 (INR 47 million)
  2. Orthopedics: $557,000 (INR 45 million)
  3. Cardiology: $490,000 (INR 40 million)
  4. Otolaryngology: $469,000 (INR 38 million)
  5. Urology: $461,000 (INR 37 million)
  6. Gastroenterology: $453,000 (INR 37 million)
  7. Dermatology: $438,000 (INR 36 million)
  8. Radiology: $437,000 (INR 35 million)
  9. Ophthalmology: $417,000 (INR 34 million)
  10. Oncology: $411,000 (INR 33 million)

Comparing U.S. Doctor Salaries with Global Standards

The U.S. boasts many employed doctors, with the majority operating within hospital or medical group settings. Despite this, self-employed individuals generally earn higher incomes. Moreover, U.S. physicians outearn their global counterparts, with male doctors earning approximately 75% more than females. This gender gap extends beyond U.S. borders, with female doctors in some countries receiving significantly lower compensation compared to males.

Financial Strategies for Medical Education

While pursuing a medical education in the U.S. entails significant costs, numerous funding options exist. Banking and non-banking institutions offer study loans, while scholarships, fellowships, and grants are viable avenues for financial assistance. Prospective students should explore these opportunities to realize their dream of becoming doctors.


In conclusion, the profession of doctors in the U.S. offers lucrative financial prospects. However, aspiring medical students should conduct thorough research and explore financial aid options to mitigate the expenses of studying abroad. By leveraging available resources and seeking expert guidance, individuals can embark on a fulfilling career in the medical field.

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